Friday, January 22, 2010

Social Media for SEO

Social Media for SEO

By using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace you can build fan lists which can be used to grow your database. At the same time, however, you can tap into no-cost marketing to people that want your product or like what you could be offering!

How do you use Social Media?
The best approach is to NOT use Social Media for SEO by trying to market your product or service. I recommend that you rather use Social Media for SEO by creating topical subject matter that surrounds your product or service.

By thinking out of the box and creating conversation about your service and or product on Social Media platforms you get to generate debate and interest not to mention interaction. That's the goal when using Social Media. That's the POWER of using Social Media to promote.

For example, discussing some product to do with your business which makes candles, could start a conversation on Social Media about which colour candles are best to use for a romantic bath set up. Should they be long or short, wide or narrow and does it matter if they are decorated with ribbons or not? Do you see how this is different to going and saying, "I make candles. Come buy my products"?

Make it fun and social. Remember the story behind your product and think of why people would want to use your product and ESPECIALLY in WHAT context would it make conversation & therefore a SOCIAL matter!

Have a great weekend!


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